We are waiting to see what President Trump does but I truly believe he will open TikTok back up very soon so keep recording your shop videos and have them ready to load on day one.
Sellers, please send the samples to influencers who have requested them and tell them what other platforms you have that item on because I can assure you, we want to make you and ourselves money!
I ask each of you to use this form to contact President Donald J Trump. Start out with “SAVE TIKTOK.” Please write your personal story telling President Trump why you want him to SAVE TIKTOK.
Here is my example:
“President Trump, I am a 59 year old American citizen and I use TikTok to generate income. I knocked doors for your Trump Force 47, I held large rallies in 2020 here in Georgia for you. I humbly ask you to do everything in your power to SAVE TIKTOK. Families across America and other countries are using TikTok to survive financially. We the people are asking you to do what you do best and negotiate to SAVE TIKTOK. Kindest regards, Darla Williams”
After Trump’s Inauguration Monday, we will see if he makes a statement but in the meantime, we need his staffers to start seeing all of our messages to President Trump asking him to SAVE TIKTOK. That’s how we get his attention. Become too big to ignore.
We want his staffers to go to him and say “Mr. President, almost all your emails are from citizens all over the world asking you to save TikTok.
Please share this on every platform, group, page, email or wherever you possibly can. It is time to send a message and there is power numbers!