Last week residents of Bartow County and surrounding areas gathered together to pray for Israel.
Mr. Mack Parnell, Executive Director of Georgia Faith & Freedom Coalition was the emcee of the event. He has a heart for Israel that was evident in his words as he spoke throughout the night. He quoted a statement: “Right now they are coming after the Saturday church but soon they will come after the Sunday church.” That’s a powerful statement.
Bartow County Commissioner Steve Taylor presented a Proclamation to Anat Sultan-Dadon, Consul General of Israel to the Southeastern United States.
Cartersville City Councilman, Cary Roth presented a Resolution from the City of Cartersville showing their unanimous support for Israel.
Pastor Barry Garland of New Beginnings Church opened in a beautiful prayer for the Israeli People.
We heard from other supporters of Israel including Senator Chuck Hufstetler, Timothy Head, Executive Director of Faith & Freedom Coalition, Dr. Mike Hobbs, President of Georgia Highlands College, Rabbi Chaim Markovits, Chabad Rural Georgia, Pastor Brian Crisp of Lime Branch Baptist Church and Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger who all spoke in favor of Israel as it is the Apple of God’s Eye.
The sound system and music was provided by Paul Porter, Ray Looney and Marshall Woods of New Beginnings Church.

A beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace by Mr. James Satterfield of Adairsville was played by violin as those in attendance lighted candles.
Pastor Mike Abernathy of Creekside Fellowship Church closed out the evening with the Benediction.
Mr. Mack Parnell finished up with Action Steps to Continue our Support of Israel.
Bartow County Resident, Mrs. Loretta Branton is pictured below showing her support of Israel while holding a handcrafted Star of David by Mr. James Satterfield.