The 11th Congressional District of Georgia consisting of Cherokee, Pickens, Bartow, Gordon and part of Cobb County was held today in Canton.
The following were elected as delegates and alternates to represent the 11th Congressional District in Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 15th-18th at Fiserv Forum where Donald J. Trump will be the nominee:
1st Delegate – Salleigh Grubbs
2nd Delegate – Kathleen Thorman
3rd Delegate – Jessie Blankenship
Alternate 1 – Todd Smith
Alternate 2 – Derek Keeney
Alternate 3 – Geraldine Wade
Five resolutions were put before the delegation to vote on including one asking for the “Clean Libraries Act” to be put into law.
Chairman David Oles did a great job maintaining order. Discussions stayed calm and on topic signaling the Republican Party may be unifying after several months of in-party fighting.
We’d like to say a special thank you to Congressman Barry Loudermilk for sending pizzas to feed the delegation. Most arrived around 8:30 AM and stayed until late afternoon. Congressman Loudermilk was scheduled to speak but stayed in D.C. to cast some very important votes in support of Israel.
Here’s a look at the day’s agenda:
2024 11th Congressional District Republican Convention Agenda
- Call to Order- David Oles
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- National Anthem
- Appointment of Parliamentarian and Secretary
- Recognition of Elected Officials, and Guests
- Speaker – Representative Barry Loudermilk
- Preliminary Credentials Committee Report
- Recess to allow Alternates to be Elevated.
- Final Credentials Committee Report
- State of the District
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Rules Committee Report for Standing Rules of the 11th District Convention
- Nominations Committee Report
a. Election of Delegates to the Republican National Convention
b. Election of Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention - Rule Committee Report for Changes to the 11th District Bylaws
- Resolutions Committee Report
- Announcements- David Oles
- Adjourn- David Oles