Many of us are looking for ways to make extra cash with the cost of everything going up so high so fast these days. I’m seeing content creators making $50k in a month on TikTok simply because a video goes viral. That’s not the norm but it does happen.
Most people are like me and make a little extra bill money each month. Plus, I get to keep all the products I sample. That part is amazing!
I’d like to teach others what I’ve learned. I’ll teach you the basics and answer your questions to help you get started. It is a lot easier than I thought. If a 59 year old non-tech savvy grandmother can do it, then I know you can too.
There are multiple ways to earn but nothing and I mean NOTHING compares to the commission you can earn on TikTok.
I’ll teach you how to grow your account fast. I have 15k followers and lots of videos posted that earn commission. It’s a numbers game and there’s always the chance a video will go viral. I posted a little video one night and woke up to over 500k views. I was mind blown.
My hope is to teach you via zoom meetings and we may need to meet in person at least once. I’m considering setting up a “sample room” where you can come by and make an influencer video with a product. You can also do this with products you already own.
I want to help people because so many are struggling. My hope is to do this for free. I just need to know how many of you would be interested in learning. If you could comment “interested” on the Facebook post where you see this, that will be a big help so I can judge the interest. It doesn’t cost you anything to get started. You do need to grow your TikTok account to be eligible but that doesn’t take long at all as long as you post content daily.
If you sign up for TikTok via my link, you’ll get a $10.00 coupon and I’ll get a coupon to use in the TikTok shop. If you already have a TikTok account but you haven’t had a lot of interaction or many followers, it might be best to start a new one. Here is my affiliate link where you and I both get a shop coupon. Yours will be $10 and it will state if there’s anything it can’t be used on.
My name on Facebook is Darla Branton Williams. I own Georgia Media Group and I reside in Bartow County. Feel free to send me a friend request but please message me and let me know you are wanting to do TikTok influencer videos so I can add you.
I will be notified when you sign up via my link but like I said, please comment that you are interested on the Facebook post and if enough people are interested, I’ll set a class up possibly on Facebook live or Zoom.
This is for anyone 18 & up and for both men and women. I see people of all ages making money on commissions from sales. I’m tired of seeing people struggle and this is my way of giving back to the community. My only request is that once you get the hang of this that you teach someone else that may be struggling.
FYI: I got 90% of the Christmas gifts I’m giving people this year free from the TikTok shop as a sample. It does require you record and post videos but you can do that at home and I must admit, it’s a little addictive because you’re constantly wanting to beat your best day.
If you are interested, please sign up via my link so we will both get a TikTok shop coupon to get us started.
~Darla Branton Williams
**I do not know everything because this is a journey but we will celebrate together, encourage one another and work together. I’ll also teach you about the other streams of revenue but you absolutely need TikTok to get the free samples.